Dox - JavaScript documentation generator

Parse comments in the given string of js.

exports.parseComments = function(js){
  var comments = []
    , comment
    , buf = ''
    , ignore
    , within
    , code;

  for (var i = 0, len = js.length; i < len; ++i) {
    // start comment
    if (!within && '/' == js[i] && '*' == js[i+1]) {
      // code following previous comment
      if (buf.trim().length) {
        comment = comments[comments.length - 1];
        comment.code = code = buf.trim();
        comment.ctx = exports.parseCodeContext(code);
        buf = '';
      i += 2;
      within = true;
      ignore = '!' == js[i];
    // end comment
    } else if (within && '*' == js[i] && '/' == js[i+1]) {
      i += 2;
      buf = buf.replace(/^ *\* ?/gm, '');
      var comment = exports.parseComment(buf);
      comment.ignore = ignore;
      within = ignore = false;
      buf = '';
    // buffer comment or code
    } else {
      buf += js[i];

  // trailing code
  if (buf.trim().length) {
    comment = comments[comments.length - 1];
    code = buf.trim();
    comment.code = code;
    comment.ctx = exports.parseCodeContext(code);

  return comments;

Parse the given comment str.

The comment object returned contains the following

exports.parseComment = function(str) {
  str = str.trim();
  var comment = { tags: [] }
    , description = {};

  // parse comment body
  description.full = str.split('\n@')[0].replace(/^([\w ]+):/gm, '## $1');
  description.summary = description.full.split('\n\n')[0];
  description.body = description.full.split('\n\n').slice(1).join('\n\n');
  comment.description = description;

  // parse tags
  if (~str.indexOf('\n@')) {
    var tags = '@' + str.split('\n@').slice(1).join('\n@');
    comment.tags = tags.split('\n').map(exports.parseTag);
    comment.isPrivate = comment.tags.some(function(tag){
      return 'api' == tag.type && 'private' == tag.visibility;

  // markdown
  description.full = markdown(escape(description.full));
  description.summary = markdown(escape(description.summary));
  description.body = markdown(escape(description.body));

  return comment;

Parse tag string "@param {Array} name description" etc.

exports.parseTag = function(str) {
  var tag = {} 
    , parts = str.split(/ +/)
    , type = tag.type = parts.shift().replace('@', '');

  switch (type) {
    case 'param':
      tag.types = exports.parseTagTypes(parts.shift()); = parts.shift() || '';
      tag.description = parts.join(' ');
    case 'return':
      tag.types = exports.parseTagTypes(parts.shift());
      tag.description = parts.join(' ');
    case 'see':
      if (~str.indexOf('http')) {
        tag.title = parts.length > 1
          ? parts.shift()
          : '';
        tag.url = parts.join(' ');
      } else {
        tag.local = parts.join(' ');
    case 'api':
      tag.visibility = parts.shift();
    case 'type':
      tag.types = exports.parseTagTypes(parts.shift());

  return tag;

Parse tag type string "{Array|Object}" etc.

exports.parseTagTypes = function(str) {
  return str
    .replace(/[{}]/g, '')
    .split(/ *[|,\/] */);

Parse the context from the given str of js.

This method attempts to discover the context
for the comment based on it's code. Currently


exports.parseCodeContext = function(str){
  var str = str.split('\n')[0];

  // function statement
  if (/^function (\w+)\(/.exec(str)) {
    return {
        type: 'function'
      , name: RegExp.$1
      , string: RegExp.$1 + '()'
  // function expression
  } else if (/^var *(\w+) *= *function/.exec(str)) {
    return {
        type: 'function'
      , name: RegExp.$1
      , string: RegExp.$1 + '()'
  // prototype method
  } else if (/^(\w+)\.prototype\.(\w+) *= *function/.exec(str)) {
    return {
        type: 'method'
      , constructor: RegExp.$1
      , name: RegExp.$2
      , string: RegExp.$1 + '.prototype.' + RegExp.$2 + '()'
  // prototype property
  } else if (/^(\w+)\.prototype\.(\w+) *= *([^\n;]+)/.exec(str)) {
    return {
        type: 'property'
      , constructor: RegExp.$1
      , name: RegExp.$2
      , value: RegExp.$3
      , string: RegExp.$1 + '.prototype' + RegExp.$2
  // method
  } else if (/^(\w+)\.(\w+) *= *function/.exec(str)) {
    return {
        type: 'method'
      , receiver: RegExp.$1
      , name: RegExp.$2
      , string: RegExp.$1 + '.' + RegExp.$2 + '()'
  // property
  } else if (/^(\w+)\.(\w+) *= *([^\n;]+)/.exec(str)) {
    return {
        type: 'property'
      , receiver: RegExp.$1
      , name: RegExp.$2
      , value: RegExp.$3
      , string: RegExp.$1 + '.' + RegExp.$2
  // declaration
  } else if (/^var +(\w+) *= *([^\n;]+)/.exec(str)) {
    return {
        type: 'declaration'
      , name: RegExp.$1
      , value: RegExp.$2
      , string: RegExp.$1